Clean Blue Sky, Revised Version

The revised version of Clean Blue Sky is now available. I have rescored the brass so that there are now two Horn parts instead of four and I have removed the 3rd Trombone part. I have added a 2nd Flute part and adjusted some of the ranges throughout the ensemble. There are also new percussion parts, including a four drum timpani part and a bell and crash cymbal part.

Discover The Night: The Backbone of Night Remastered

It’s International Dark Sky Week and to celebrate I’m looking back at my 2017 chamber symphony, The Backbone of Night. It is a piece about astrophilia and the loss of the night sky in our urban centers. The title is taken from a painting by Jon Lomberg. The work is in three sections. The first imagines a cityscape with its flashing neon lights and all of the hustle and bustle of modern life, but with a night sky devoid of stars due to ever-present skyglow. The second section imagines a trip to the outskirts of the city where skyglow is no longer a factor and the wonders of the night sky are clearly visible. The final section imagines a modern city that has figured out how to manage its light pollution without diminishing its sense of security or all of the activities that a modern society currently enjoys.