Early Days
The gravitational center of my current project revolves around Charles and Ray Eames. It is still coalescing. There are a few well-formed sketches that will eventually proceed into secondary drafts; early, amorphous blobs of phrases, pitch libraries, and rhythm stems; and inspirational quotations and titles. There are moleskines, e-notes, photos, and other collected shards. The work has not announced its intentions yet as to genre, length, instrumentation, or anything else. Even the well-formed sketches seem to float in and out of stability. It may all hold together to form a single thing, or bits and pieces may fragment off and form their own solar system. Currently, things are holding together centered around the following four elements:
the insights we lose as a species when we refuse to acknowledge a broadly defined equality amongst the sexes
the necessary benefit of maintaining a sense of wonder and a state of play in our daily lives
the importance of forging an existence in cooperation with the environment we inhabit and strongly influence,
and the joy of incorporating artistic beauty into all projects and ideas designed for general consumption by all.
No one project can encapsulate everything that Charles and Ray Eames gave to us. In the same way, The Eameses expressed themselves variously with paintings, architecture, furniture, and multimedia exhibits. Perhaps trying to express these four elements requires more than a single thing.
These are the adventures of early days.